Selling a haunted house is a difficult
proposition if the ghosts are particularly noisy or violent. Many home buyers
eschew atmosphere for the dull life of the bright house or bungalow untenanted
by a disturbed spirit. Therefore, fixing up your house to sell may involve
various preparations to reduce the impact of ghosts, spirits, otherworldly
emanations and other supernatural phenomena.
Exorcism is one method of ridding oneself
of a nuisance supernatural presence. However, it could be seen as
discrimination and "super naturalism", which could lead to the ghost's
right to seek legal redress. Be aware that through adverse possession
processes, the spirit may actually have legal rights to the house and mediation
(as well as a medium) may be in order to resolve the conflict.
One must be sensitive to the fact that many
ghosts come from diverse religious belief systems that would make using a
priest from a Christian background extremely offensive. More importantly, it
may not work if there is a lack of belief. In the case of an atheist ghost, you
may have to resort to a copy of "The Origin of Species" to help form
your exorcism rite.
Do not despair if exorcism does not work
or, in the interests of equality, is not an option. There are other routes for
the home seller with an inconvenient spirit. Many spirits are open to
communication, but steps may have to be made to accommodate them. Rapping on
the walls, table or doors may be the only mode of communication a spirit has
and it is imperative to take all necessary steps to aid the
corporeally-challenged in their quest for equal access to communication.
Try to have a seance with the ghost and
attempt to impress upon it the importance of not creating an uncomfortable
atmosphere until the sale is concluded. Mention the fact that if the house is
not sold quickly, a reputation very quickly develops that makes it difficult to
find buyers, not to mention the easily possessed or precocious children. If you
can, have a copy of current real estate laws and related information for the
specter to peruse; ensure that it knows that "pre-approved" does not
mean "sold" and that it is wise to refrain from frightening new
owners until it is certain that the house is transferred fully into their
If the spirit is resistant to all forms of
communication and/or exorcism, extreme steps must be taken. If the house is
exceptionally well-appointed and there will usually be no problem finding a
couple from the big city seeking a nice house in the suburbs or a bedroom
community for their children and dog. The only problem with this strategy is
that you will probably have to lower the price to some ridiculously low amount
that would make any other home buyer suspicious. Don't worry. The family from
the city probably won't even have a home inspection done.
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