How to shun Land Scams in
Kenyan Real Estate Sector
Here some of the scams that recently happened in Kenya
wherein undeveloped or a land that has no title was sold to investors. To avoid
such land scams we provide here a list of precautions one should take before
Investing in Kenya land.
Tips to avoid being a victim of Land Scams
1. Beware of high-pressure tactics.
Say "no" to any person who presses you to make
an immediate investment decision. You need time to do your own research. Any
ethical salesperson will understand this.
2. Exercise particular caution if you lack financial
It's easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by
complicated financial slang, but resists the impulse to turn it over to
"the expert." Ask lots of questions and insist that the salesperson
explain the land investment in everyday language until you understand it.
Protect yourself by educating yourself.
3. Keep in mind that good manners don't indicate personal
Con artists are generally extremely polite, knowing that
many of us equate courtesy with personal integrity. Swindlers are also counting
on your good manners to keep you from cutting them off. Don't let your good
manners land you in trouble; simply hang up if you don't like the conversation.
4. Watch out for salespeople who prey on your fears.
It is common for swindlers to pitch their schemes as a
way to eliminate your financial fears for the future. Remember: fear and greed
can cloud your good judgment.
5. Exercise particular caution if you are an older
The elderly, and particularly older women, are a frequent
target of scam artists. Always seek the advice of a neutral party before
investing in land.
6. Monitor your investments and ask tough questions.
Insist on regular written reports and look for signs of
excessive or unauthorized trading of your account. Constant vigilance is a
vital part of being an investor. If you suspect that something is muddled be
very careful and take full precaution and consult a solicitor.
7. Report land investment scam or abuse immediately,
despite any embarrassment or fear you may feel.
The sooner you report fraud or scam, the better your
chances of recovering some or all of your investments.
8. Beware of "reload" scams.
Investment losses often create a panic well-known to con
artists who have developed schemes to take a "second bite" out of
investors. To recoup their losses, victims some-times invest in another scheme
(a "reload") in which the con artist promises to make good the
original loss--and may offer new higher returns. Often the result is only more
for more.
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